Closer to Truth is a continuing television series on PBS & public television originally created, produced and hosted by Robert Lawrence Kuhn. The first premiere series aired in 2000 for 2 seasons, followed by a second series aired in 2003 for a single season.
The current / third series of the program, Closer to Truth: Cosmos. Consciousness. God., launched in 2008, with 12 full seasons to date. Robert Lawrence Kuhn is the creator, executive producer, writer and presenter of the series. Peter Getzels is the co-creator and producer / director.
The show is centered on on-camera conversations with leading scientists, philosophers, theologians, and scholars, covering a diverse range of topics or questions from the size and nature of the universe, to the existence and essence of God, to the mystery of consciousness and the notion of free will.
This TV show, hosted by Morgan Freeman, is very similar to Closer to Truth in its exploration of science and philosophy. It provides insight into a variety of topics, from the nature of time to the origin of life.
This educational show explores a wide range of topics related to the brain and how it works. Hosted by Jason Silva, it provides viewers with fascinating insights into the way our minds work and how we perceive the world.
This show is not as educational as Closer to Truth, but it does explore the fields of science and philosophy in a lighthearted way. It is an excellent way to gain a basic understanding of these topics in an entertaining format.